The Google Webtoolkit
Developing web applications in Java for a couple of years now the big annoyance part always was the GUI part. Making it work in every browser, implementing AJAX, etc.. AJAX is hot nowadays and when demands are rising I started looking for an easy to use AJAX framework to build a web application GUI in. I came across many frameworks like YUI (Yahoo User Interfaces), DWR in combination with spring MVC, Wicket and many more. The one that stood out the most was GWT (Google Web Toolkit). The nice thing about this framework is that you only code in Java :-). No more HTML, Javascript etc.. But if you really want to use HTML and Javascript (In some specific cases) you can, so full flexibility is available. How does it work than? Your package structure needs to have a package called ...client and ...server. All code that is written in the client application is compiled to javascripts and HTML files are created where needed. The javascript that is created is compliant to the most used brow...